About Homework
Homework Information for the 5th and 6th Grades
5-6 Homework Philosophy
As students work to achieve learning targets at school, there are also some great benefits that make meaningful homework worthwhile:
Students gain autonomy and self-confidence in the skills they are practicing
Students gain understanding of the cause and effect relationship of work and gain through study and grades.
Through independent practice, students gain greater understanding of concepts taught in class.
Homework at the 5/6 level sets the stage for study habits in later grades.
Current research shows that the amount of homework completed is proportionate to increased achievement (Cooper, Robinson, Patall; 2006).
Math homework will usually be given daily. Homework is anything that was not finished during class. Math homework may be over skills we are currently learning or review of prior skills.
Monthly Reading Requirements: Generally, students are expected to read and pass 2 AR tests per month at their grade level. Literature novels and non fiction texts are an important part of reading as they help students gain fluency in language usage, vocabulary, and comprehension of more complex texts.
Spelling/ Language:
Students will have homework in spelling 4x per week, and should study word lists daily as needed. Our spelling curriculum is comprehensive and will involve grammar usage, proofreading, vocabulary, context understanding, and more. Students will have a weekly list that will include basic words they must know by this age and individualized words they must practice. Students will work heavily with homophones (words that have the same pronunciation, but different spellings- to, too, two.) Please keep usage in mind when practicing weekly words with your child J
Other Homework (such as study or assignments related to other subjects) will be assigned during the course of the week as needed. Students will usually have time to begin homework in class. It is possible for the savvy student to have homework completed before school is out if he/she uses time very wisely.
Homework Expectations:
Work should be neat, clean, and thoroughly completed. Work that is not completed may need to be re done to receive credit.
Work should be turned in daily and on time to receive full credit.
Students may make up homework or request extra homework assignments.
Students should develop an after school schedule that allows them to be successful while they study.
Homework Help:
Regular assignments, homework and missing assignments may be tracked through Skyward, or through your child’s weekly progress report.
KPT (Kernel Pride Time) is available after school as a homework area (more info to come).
I am available most days after school if students have questions or need extra help.
Students may stay in class after school to complete homework on most days.